Saturday, February 6, 2010

Birthday, Batman, and a Big Mouse (well, okay...Chuck E Cheese)

Evan is 6 years old!!

We got these pictures taken 1 day after Evan's 6th Birthday. Evan is the sweetest person in our family. He is so eager to learn and quick to make friends. He is sensitive, loving, funny and wonderful in every way!! I am so glad Evan is in our lives and so proud to be his mother. I don't know what I did to deserve him!!

Happy Birthday Evan (a week late)!! We LOVE you!!

If you look closely, you can see his missing tooth.

For Evan's class at school we made Batman cupcakes.

We had a family birthday party at Chuck 'e' Cheeses. Evan posing with Chuck.

My wish...that ALL your wishes come true!

Since it's been so long since I last posted, I figured I'd throw in some more pictures. We had a fun day sledding. It was great for Nathan to finally have a day off work!!

Lindsay enjoyed sleeping in her toasty snow clothes verses actually being in the snow. I hear ya girl. Bring on the sunny, warm days!

And there they go...

Christmas 2009 - Family shot

We had a fun Christmas Eve with Grandma Lyn (all the cousins).

The present that Evan got Austin. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for taking the kids Christmas shopping to buy presents for each other.

Santa brought a fun swing set for our back yard. The kids go out almost every day just to matter how cold it is. Later that day we went to grandpa and grandma's house and enjoyed the rest of our Christmas.



Kari Clark said...

Happy Birthday Evan, I agree with every good thing that your Mom said about you, you are awesome! Loved all the pictures, I love your kids! Mostly I loved Lindsay's crazy hair!

The Love Bunch said...

Happy Birthday Evan! That was a great swing set. I can see why they want to play on it everyday despite the cold weather. The cup cakes look fantastic!

Kathleen said...

So cute! How did I not remember that Lily and Evan are only a year apart? Crazy, looks like you're having fun!

Ann said...

Ha! Elodie talked of nothing else after Evan announced his Chuck E Cheese adventures in primary. :) Great pictures!

So glad I found your blog! hope you don't mind my blog-stalking :)

Heather said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe Evan is that old...but I guess that's what happens! Let's actually get together and let the kids play. Cute pictures!